
UK: /kəmˈɪʃən/   US: /kəˈmɪʃən/

n. framning (glæps); skipun; umboð, erindi; nefnd; friðdómarar (commission of the peace); konunglegt skipunarbréf (í foringjastöðu); umboðssala (goods sold on commission); umboðssölulaun, -þóknun (af e-u on); pöntun (I have three commissions for the city); sin of commission verknaðarsynd; a ship in commission albúið í hernað; be in the commission vera friðdómari; a disgrace to the commission foringjastéttinni til minnkunar; commission for the assessment of taxes niðurjöfnunarnefnd, skattanefnd; commission agent umboðssali; s. veita umboð; fela e-m á hendur; panta (hjá e-m of); a commissioned officer sem hefur konunglegt skipunarbréf